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Dennis Conner
Četverostruki pobjednik America’s Cupa, legendarni Dennis Conner, počasni je član Jedriličarskog kluba Labud. Na prigodnom druženju u prostorijama kluba Labud, Conner je razgovarao sa splitskim zaljubljenicima jedrenja. Conner će u nedjelju proslaviti 76. rođendan krstareći Jadranom sa splitskim olimpijcem Ivanom Kljakovićem Gašpićem.
Dennis Conner

DENNIS CONNER, an American Yachtsman From the day of Dennis’s birth in San Diego California on September 16, 1942, his whole life has revolved around the water. He was born just one block from the San Diego yacht club and his father, a fisherman, was based just two blocks away. He began sailing at a very young age. He was a likable youngster, which gained him the fortune of being mentored by many of the local yachting heroes. He sailed in his free time and attended public schools. Dennis went on to study at San Diego State University. Dennis is … Continue reading –>